Osaka Tokyu REI Hotel

hotel2-1, Doyama-cho, Kita-ku, OsakaShow on map
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Parking fee
Close to convenience store
Credit cards
Laundry service
Places nearby
  • Minamimorimachi-eki (railroad station), 440m
  • Ōsakajō Ato (archaeological/prehistoric site), 2.3km
  • Osaka Nohgaku Kaikan (theater), 840m
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Starting at
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Located at Umeda, the north center of Osaka, and convenient for business and leisure. It is 30 minutes to Kyoto and Kobe and 1 hour to Nara by train. Rooms are equipped with large desks, air cleaner machine with humidifier function.

Access information

  • 10 minutes walk from JR Osaka Station.
  • 10 minutes by car from Umeda lamp on Hanshin expressway.


Be sure to check hotel policies, ameneties and details before booking.
Important to check is the cancelations policy, this is directly set by the hotel and forms a binding agreement.
Note that special requests are not be guaranteed until confired by the hotel.

Popular Destinations nearby

About Kansai

The cultural heart of Japan, Kansai is home to Kyoto’s breathtaking temples, gardens, and traditional tea houses. Nara offers ancient treasures like the Todai-ji Temple and its giant Buddha. Osaka, known for its vibrant nightlife and street food, is a culinary haven. The port city of Kobe features stunning views and delectable beef. Visit Himeji Castle, one of Japan’s most impressive castles, and explore the spiritual sites on Mount Koya.

General info
Time zone
UTC +09:00 Osaka
7 hours ahead (Based on your browser info)
Japanese Yen
1GBP = 194.86JPY
Best time to visit
Nov - Dec
Autumn is famous for beautiful scenery
Apr - May
Cherry Blossom Season